Welcome To Riva D'Arno Website!
Dedicated to the West Highland White Terrier
How we first started & who we are
We started quite by accident with this wonderful breed when I received as a present nearly 25 years ago a westie pup. Believe it or not his pet name was (what a surprise!) Scottie. He was the one, together with a westie bitch which followed him shortly, that started it all.
My husband and I are completely devoted to this wonderful breed. We live with and for them, sharing together every minute of our lives.
During the last 20 years we've bred and/or shown several Italians, International and Foreign Champions. Our goal is to breed this fantastic Scottish breed as close as possible to the British Standard.
During the years I've been lucky enough to meet many westie lovers around the world building with some of them long lasting friendships, that have enriched us.
The Westie has literally stolen our hearts, and we are thankful to the magic moment when it came into our lives.
This website covers more or less 15 years of breeding. Each dog has its own page. Some are gone, but not forgotten. Loosing them is always heartbreaking, but is the love for the breed that gives us the strenght to go on.
We hope that you'll find useful and enjoyable visiting this website.
Happy surfing!
Lorena Lotzniker
Riva d'Arno Westies